The Village of Poland, Ohio is having a sealed bid auction on the following vehicles:
The placement of a successful bid at a Village of Poland auction or sale establishes a legally binding contract between the successful bidder and the Village. The announcement of the high bid amount (and the bidder's number, if applicable) establishes the contract, which is subject to final acceptance by the Village. This contract is bound by these general terms and conditions, any special terms and conditions published in conjunction with the auction or sale, the laws of the state of Ohio.
By submitting a bid or placing a bid at an auction, the Bidder warrants that he/she is not:
- under 18 years of age; and,
- otherwise prohibited from bidding under the laws of the state of Ohio.
All property, without exception, is sold on an as-is, where-is basis with no warranties or guarantees of any kind. Failure to inspect property shall not constitute cause for cancellation of sale.
The bidder is invited, urged, and cautioned to inspect the property prior to submitting a bid. Property will be available for inspection at the times set by the Village. Other than the scheduled inspection dates, absolutely no access to the property will be allowed without prior Village authorization. At their own expense, potential bidders may have inspectors examine the property during regularly scheduled inspection times.
For sales by sealed bid, the Bidder must:
- Bid on each vehicle or item separately. Envelopes containing multiple bids will be rejected.
- Be in a sealed envelope that contains a single written bid in U.S. dollars that identifies the specific vehicle or item on which the Bidder is bidding. The front of the envelope should be addressed to:
Fiscal Officer, Village of Poland
ATTN: Bids
308 S. Main Street
Poland, Ohio 44514
No bids will be accepted orally or by fax or email. Bids received after the time deadline set in the announcement will be rejected without being opened.
- Timely bids that are properly submitted and not rejected will be opened and tabulated at Village Hall at the time identified in the announcement.
- Successful bids will be finally accepted at the next regular council meeting following the opening and tabulation.
- Bids will be retained for thirty (30) days following the final acceptance by council.
The Village reserves the right to withdraw from sale any of the property listed in the sales announcement or to sell at the auction any property not listed.
The Village reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and to waive any technical defects in bids. Property may be sold with a minimum reserve price unless the property is, in explicit terms, offered without a minimum reserve price. The minimum reserve price is not released to the public. If the minimum reserve price is not achieved, the Village may withdraw the property at any time before the sales contract is executed or the bid accepted and approved.
Property will be sold to the highest bidder when the Village accepts the bid amount unless the bid or bidder is rejected as provided herein. If the high bid does not exceed the Village’s reserve price, if applicable, and the Village does not waive or lower the minimum reserve price, bidding will close.
The bidder who placed the bid accepted by the Village is legally bound to pay for property awarded to him/her in accordance with the successful bid. Payment of the full purchase price must be made within the time specified by the Village.
Cash or Cashier's or Certified checks made payable to the Village of Poland, Ohio are the only forms of payment accepted. The Village will not accept personal checks or debit/credit cards as forms of payment.
Buyer is responsible for the payment of any and all applicable taxes imposed by any state, county, or political subdivision or fees associated with the sale or transfer of the property.