Boards and Commissions
Architectural Review Board
Meets first Monday monthly at 7:00 p.m. in Poland Village Town Hall.
Council Member: Michael Zembower
Planning: Rex Fisher
Members: Rob Dunham, Laurie LaPlante, Martha Morgan, Joan Smith, Mary Tursky
The Architectural Review Board shall consist of seven members appointed by the Mayor with approval by a majority of those elected to Council. If the Mayor fails to fill a vacancy on the Board within thirty days, Council shall have the right to appoint a new member. Members shall serve without compensation and shall be qualified by reason of their general knowledge of architecture and local history. Members shall be residents of the Village. One member shall be chosen from both Council and the Planning Commission. All members shall hold office two years. Upon passage of this section, three members shall be appointed for one year and four members shall be appointed for two years. Members may succeed themselves. Vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the Mayor and approved by Council. Any member not attending three consecutive regular meetings of the Board may be removed from the Board by the Mayor.
The Village Tree Commissioner shall be an additional voting member of the Board on all landscaping issues.
Poland Village - Codified Ordinances Chapter 1266
Board of Zoning Appeals
Scheduled as required.
Council Members: Samuel Moffie, Michael Thompson
A.R.B.: Rex Fisher
Planning: Mark Thompson
Members: Becky Rudzik
The Board of Zoning Appeals shall be composed of five members: one member from the Planning Commission; one member from the Architectural Review Board; one member of Council; the President of Council; and one Village resident to be appointed by the Mayor for a four-year term. The President of Council, Council member, Planning Commission member and Architectural Review Board member shall all have terms on the Board coterminous with their membership or election to each respective body. The Village resident Board member shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the approval of the majority of Council, to serve a four-year term. However, the Village resident member's term may be superseded by a subsequent appointee by the Mayor with the approval of the majority of Council, regardless of whether such superseding appointment is the result of a vacancy caused by the initial appointee or the result of action by the Mayor and Council. Such subsequent appointment shall be only for the balance of the present term. Nothing in this section precludes a Village resident Board member from serving multiple terms.
Poland Village - Codified Ordinances Chapter 1264
Planning Commission
Meets third Wednesday monthly at 7:00 p.m. in Poland Village Town Hall.
Mayor: Timothy Sicafuse
Council Member: Michael Zembower
Members: Rex Fisher, Rebecca Rogers, Mark Thompson
The Planning Commission of the Village is hereby established and shall consist of the Mayor, one Councilmember, elected by Council, to serve for the remainder of his or her term as a Councilmember, and three residents of the Village appointed by the Mayor and approved by a majority vote of Council. Each resident member shall serve for a six-year term, except that the term of one of the resident members of the first Commission shall be for four years and one for two years. All members shall serve without compensation. Any member not attending three consecutive, regular meetings is subject to removal by the Mayor.
Poland Village - Codified Ordinances Chapter 1220
Hine Memorial Fund Board of Trustees
Meets third week of odd months. Date and time to be announced.
Council Members: Jim Walkama, Michael Zembower
Members: Rebecca Rogers, Dave Smith
There is hereby established the Samuel K. Hine Memorial Board, which shall have the powers and duties as set forth in this chapter. The Board shall be composed of five members who shall be elected by Council. Two members shall be designated Councilmembers who shall serve until the expiration of their term of office as Councilmembers and until their successors are elected and qualified. The three remaining members of the Board shall be at- large members and shall be residents of the Village. The term of the original three at-large members of the original Board shall expire May 1, 1960, May 1, 1961, and May 1, 1962, respectively. Succeeding terms of at-large members shall each be for a period of three years. Vacancies shall be filled by the Mayor for the unexpired term, subject to the confirmation of Council. If the Mayor fails to make an appointment within thirty days, Council may fill the vacancy. Members shall serve without compensation, but shall be allowed all their necessary expenses.
Poland Village - Codified Ordinances Chapter 208
Poland Municipal Forest Board of Trustees
Meets fourth Tuesday monthly at 7:00 p.m. in Poland Village Town Hall.
Council Member: Chris Graff
Village Tree Commissioner: James Brammer
State Forester
Members: Robert Elias, Dr. Ian Renne, B. J. Sulka, Mark Thompson, Elinor Zedaker
The care and management of the Municipal Forest shall be vested in a Board of Commissioners consisting of eight members, one of whom shall at all times be the Chief of the Ohio Division of Forestry and one of whom shall be a member of Council who shall serve only for his or her term on Council and until a successor is elected and qualified. The remaining six Commissioners shall be appointed by the Mayor by and with the consent of Council for a term of six years. The appointees appointed under Ordinance 594-71, passed May 18, 1971, shall continue to serve their six-year terms in rotation. The two new members provided for by this section shall serve for six years from the time of their appointment.
Poland Village - Codified Ordinance Chapter 1062
View 2016 Poland Municipal Forest Management Plan
Poland Village - Municipal Forest Ordinance # 1519-17
Mauthe Bridge - Engineer Study
Poland Municipal Forest Restoration Study
Nationwide Permit Application
Western Reserve Fire District Board
Meets second Wednesday monthly at 7:30 p.m. in WRJFD Fire Station #92.
Members: Michael Thompson