The Poland Village Police Department is a full-time agency with most shifts covered with a minimum of two officers on duty. We pride ourselves on being proactive, as we are always attempting to address issues before they become a problem.
We are very active in the Federal DEA Drug Task Force with the various seizures used to provide funding for equipment, such as cars, radios, weapons, etc., to be purchased at no cost to the taxpayers of the Village of Poland.
The department is a partner in the new county wide dispatch system where our urgent needs police number, (330) 757-2717, is answered.
A recently implemented “Senior Watch Program” is available for elderly village residents with information available at (330) 757-2112.
Click here for Senior Watch Form . Print out, complete and mail to:
Poland Village Police Department
Attn: Chief Donald Lambert
308 S. Main St.
Poland, Ohio 44514
Contact Information
Donald Lambert
Poland Village Police Chief
(330) 757-2112
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The Poland Village Street Department is manned with two full-time and one part-time employee and is responsible for maintaining and plowing all village streets and repair and maintain all village vehicles and equipment. They are also responsible for maintenance and repairs of all buildings and properties owned by the village, along with all storm water systems.
Village voters passed a 2 mill Street Levy was in November 2015 with proceeds received by the village beginning in 2017. The 2017 Resurfacing Program will allow for 6 streets to be resurfaced.
A special thank you to the voters of Poland Village for helping us improve our streets.
Contact Information
George Porterfield
Poland Village Street Commissioner
(330) 757-2112
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The Zoning Administrator shall have all administrative powers connected with the enforcement of this Zoning Code which are not specifically assigned to some other officer or body. The Zoning Administrator shall administer and enforce the requirements of the text and Map of this Zoning Code to the point where there appears to be no definite and/or defensible answer. At such time, he or she may be provided with assistance from such other persons as the Mayor may direct, such as the Solicitor.
The duties of the Zoning Administrator shall include the following:
- Issue permits as directed in Sections 1262.02 et seq. and keep or cause to be kept a full record of all permits issued, the date issued and all materials submitted by the applicant for the issuance of such a permit;
- Certify to the designated Building Inspector that the proposed use is in accordance with all the provisions of this Zoning Code and maintain a complete record of such certifications;
- Issue a certificate of occupancy when any land use commences or is changed, or when any structure erected, enlarged or altered meets all the conditions of this Zoning Code;
- Investigate all written citizen complaints alleging zoning violations. All citizen complaints shall be filed with the Zoning Administrator;
- Make regular inspections of the Village looking for zoning violations;
- When any provision of this Zoning Code is being violated, notify in writing the person responsible for such violation and order the action necessary to correct such violation;
- Order the discontinuance or removal of illegal uses or constructions of land, buildings or other structures;
- Keep or cause to be kept a record listing, with a brief description, of all variances, conditional use permits, authorizations for planned unit developments and determinations of nonconformity, and reasons for such determinations, and corner lots as determined by the Board of Zoning Appeals;
- Present a written monthly activity report which shall be made a part of the minutes. Copies shall be presented to each member of the Planning Commission.
Contact Information
Maureen O'Neil
Poland Village Zoning Administrator
(330) 757-2112
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The VILLAGE FISCAL OFFICER is an appointed official and is independent of the Mayor and village council; yet by law, he must work closely with the Mayor and village council. The Mayor has executive authority and village council has the legislative authority in the village, and the Fiscal Officer must keep an accurate record of all village accounts and transactions. It is the responsibility of the Fiscal Officer to comply strictly with the legal requirements set for the position’s duties, to establish and practice rules for efficient management of the office, and to follow good accounting practices in maintaining records and accounts.
The Ohio Revised Code states several required duties of the Fiscal Officer including, but not limited to:
- keeping an accurate record of the proceedings of Village Council meetings
- keeping accurate records of all the accounts and transactions of the village council
- issuing all checks
- preparing payroll
Each year the Fiscal Officer must prepare an estimate of the revenues and expenditures for the next succeeding year and submit it to the county auditor. Once this is done, an ordinance is passed by village council that formally adopts the budget as revised and approved by the County Budget Commission.
Accounting and all financial affairs of the Village of Poland are handled by the Fiscal Officer. Monies are obtained from property taxes, the local government fund, gasoline and motor vehicle taxes, motor vehicle permissive tax, fees, fines and assessments.
Village of Poland Independent Accountant's Report
Applying Agreed Upon Procedures
for the years
December 31, 2017 and 2016
Contact Information
Robert P. Canter Jr.
Poland Village Fiscal Officer
(330) 757-2112
Commonly Asked Questions:
Poland Village receives its revenue from Property Taxes paid to the Mahoning County Auditor on property owned in Poland Village.
To preserve and encourage openness, the Ohio General Assembly passed the Open Meetings and Public Records acts, collectively known as the Sunshine Laws. More information about what the Sunshine Laws entail can be found at the Attorney General’s website at
Unless otherwise exempt, a public record is a record kept by a public office, including but not limited to: state, county, city, village, township and school district units, and records pertaining to the delivery of educational services by an alternative school in Ohio kept by a non-profit or for-profit entity.
A “record” is any item that: contains information stored on a fixed medium (such as paper, computer, film, etc.) is created, received or sent under the jurisdiction of a public office; and documents the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, operations or other activities of the office.
The determination of whether a specific item constitutes a record will depend on the facts and circumstances surrounding the particular item requested. The Ohio Supreme Court has imposed an actual use standard in defining a record. The court expressly rejected the notion that an item is a record simply because the public office could use a document it has received to carry out its duties and responsibilities. Similarly, allegedly racist e-mails circulated between public employees are not records when they were not used to conduct the business of the public office.
In order to obtain inspection of a public record, a requester must simply request such access to the public record. Although no specific language is required to make a request, the requester must at least identify the records requested with sufficient clarity so that the public office can identify, retrieve and review the records.
The budget report for the Village of Poland is currently available by request and will be soon available on this website.
Poland Village – Codified Ordinances Chapter 238
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234.01 Establishment of Position; Term and Powers
The position of Solicitor is hereby established in and for the Village. The Solicitor shall hold office and have such powers as provided by the Ohio Revised Code.
(Ord. 373. Passed 3-26-57.)
234.02 Duties
The duties of the Village Solicitor shall include:
- Attend all regular and special Council meetings;
- Prepare and/or review all proposed legislation, resolutions, contracts, notices, etc., and render a legal opinion from time to time, as requested by members of Council, the Mayor, the Fiscal Officer, the Police Chief, the Zoning Administrator or the Street Commissioner. Said request and the Solicitor's opinion may be either oral or in writing, as is appropriate to the nature of the request.
- Appear on behalf of the Village in Struthers Municipal Court to prosecute all citations issued by Village officials and employees for any violation of the Ohio Revised Code or these Codified Ordinances; and
- Prosecute and defend all other actions by or against the Village or any department or officer.
In the event that extraordinary legal services are to be rendered to the Village by the Solicitor or other counsel as designated by the terms of the Village's liability insurance contract then in force, Council shall designate and define what services shall constitute extraordinary services and provide for compensation thereof by separate resolution or ordinance.
(Ord. 1123-99. Passed 12-21-99; Ord. 1420-12. Passed 10-30-12.)
Contact Information
Attorney Joseph R. Macejko
Poland Village Solicitor
(330) 757-2112
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